28 August 2010

Be Back Soon

I've been focusing on getting my life in New York together.

17 August 2010

16 August 2010

The "Who Runs the DMV?" Pumpoff

Similar to Catwalk Classic, but featuring our area's top modeling troops. Sure to be an impressive production, with musical talent for your entertainment. Get off your ass and come support the DMV models as they pump, eat, and serve in a battle to prove who owns the runway.
Tickets are only $15!

Contact my girl @ItsMe_MarleeD for more information

10 August 2010

Ms. Jackson If Ya Nasty

The song does something to me.

That poor guy never stood a chance.

love this performance. #raunchy

Art Appreciation

"Rainbow and Stuff"
artist unknown

I Gave In

A couple of days ago I did something I never thought I would do... made a Tumblr.

KushCake Chronicles

Don't worry. It's just for fun. I know where my blogging home is. and The "L" Word Chronicles is top priority.

Quote of the Day

If I was rich I'd pay for everyones education. Then I wouldn't be rich anymore but he youth would be.

As I was venting to my friend Rose about my school troubles, she said this to me and it touched my heart. If only everyone had this mentality, we may just live in a better world. What good is wealth if you don't share it? I don't want it if the world can't benefit from it.

Follow Rosemarie on Twitter!

CLExJets t-shirt

College Love Ent. just dropped this dope shirt on their site. Head on over to grab one at http://www.clemagazine.com/ ASAP!

Just Enjoy This Shit

08 August 2010

Urban Art in D.C.

My friend Jason ( @NowledgeGoD ) took me to this old building on 4th & Barry today. We spent time enjoying the unique work of street artists. It reminded me a lot of the documentary I recently watched "Beautiful Losers". To say the least, I am grateful for those who work to bless others with their talent. I could say what I see in each of these photos, but finding ones own interpretation makes the work that much more meaningful.

Look beyond the obvious.

Do you see...?

... what I see?
One thing I love about art is there can be more than one meaning, and some people see different things. I spent a while dissecting this piece. All I will say is, there is more than what meets the eye. See for yourself.

07 August 2010

Art Appreciation

"Concrete Jungle"
by Michael Leadingham
"I was trying to portray a society whose technology has outgrown its ability to maintain control."

via "concrete jungle" Google search

Amber's Pick

@DaRealAmberRose's Song of the Day
The beautiful Rose tweeted this today. I haven't heard this song in a while! Takes me back to my days spent driving in the car with my mom. She never let me pick the station.... and I'm glad she didn't. That's how I got introduced to the best music from before our time.

06 August 2010

Speak through Actions

@imjesssss: talk really is just talk. so i don't believe anything anyone says anymore, don't tell me, show me.

Say what you want. It's your right. But that doesn't mean I have to listen or believe you. As functioning human beings, we have the ability to say whatever comes to the brain, whether it be fact of fiction. As humans we also have the ability to believe, but our brain doesn't automatically sort the false out of the true. So as sensible humans it is our responsiblity to determine the difference.

I personally am a person who believes what I see before I believe what I hear. Falling for people's lies is what made me realize that everything is not what it seems, and no matter how sweet words may sound, they can still be the furthest thing from truth. Lessons have been learned. When you believe everything you hear, you're bound to be screwed. People can sell you dreams, but what you see, is what you get.

Actions are the words I'm looking for.

05 August 2010

Respect the Testament

Thou shalt not use the name "Hip-Hop" in vain.
Don't make a mockery of the art.


04 August 2010

We've Only Just Begun...

Our first days together at St. John's... we deemed ourselves the D.C. Delinquents.
Summer thuggin' before sophomore year... and already look how far we've come.

Within the past year I have grown to not only adore these women... I love them with all my heart. My "home away from home" joints. The best memories of my freshman year of college were made with them, from drunken nights in the streets of Queens to going flat broke in Manhattan. We shut shit down at the Johnnies like no one else has before, I'm sure. Breakfast in Monty's couldn't have been as special if it hadn't been spent with y'all.

No matter where the future takes us, you will all forever have a special place in my heart. God willing, we'll be friends to the end.

Yummy, Muffin, Girlfriend, and Muhfuckin' Myrtis.

I could go on writing forever, but I'll save my words for a few years. ;p

Quote of the Day

Jesus had a cross with all the burdens of the world on it. I can handle this.

No matter how big we find our problems to be, none of them can equate to what the Messiah endured through his willingness to save us. Our sins together is the biggest price anyone must pay, so this college thing is a breeze. When you get the bill from financial aid, remember you don't have nearly as many zeros as Jesus did.

Sometimes we have a rough day or experience and are in the worst of moods... and then someone says just the right thing to pick you up. This tweet was what did it for me.
Thank you Kyle.

More About Nothing: the mixtape

Support @Wale ...
the DMV's voice in an underground world that is dominating the mainstream.

A Long Way Comin'

And to think this is where we started.
I hated evolution class, but it's amazing to see the development of our beings.

*via "ugly people" Google search*

When You Wake Up...

... what's the first thing you think when you open your eyes?

wake and bake. last night's adventure. the person laying beside you....

What about the fact that you actually woke up? It's a luxury that not everyone gets. It's a privilege that most take for granted... including me.

Today I take a vow that no matter what surrounds me when I awake each day, no matter what consumes my thoughts, I will always look up and say "thank you Lord for waking me up another day."

The grateful are rewarded... the ungrateful fall flat.

*inspired by Jason.. @NowledgeGoD*

757 Weekend

Just a glimpse of us on our trip to VA Beach.