So these are people I'm following on Twitter that keep me addicted! If you're not followin them, look em up & follow them ASAP! And if you don't have a Twitter.... #killyourself. lol jk. But forreal, get one. =]
@EBBtweets -stay hip wit her MusicMonday tweets! and get a good laff from her unique humor.
@Trey_Cash -a hood prophet. get some trill lessons from a certified PG nigga.
@hiTekfame -hilarious, blunt, opinionated, and REAL. a good laugh at someone else's expense.
@TOKYOspinach -like freaky Asians? BAM! the reason we have #twitterafterdark.
@ChattiiCathii -my big sis keeps it strait-up! never heard funny roommate stories? follow her & you will have PLENTY!
@ConPhlict -unbelievable. the biggest asshole on twitter. but still funny as hell wit it.
@BhlairzNotPhair -the MOST controversial tweeter. agree or disagree, she gon keep it trill.
@AskDemHozBoutMe -another twitter jerk.. can't help but to crack up and agree with him.
@OGBruhhDave -one of the funniest twitter unks. his tweets be TOO raw.
@cYrohaZe -rappin' Texas hoodlum keeps us updated on wats poppin in the trap.
@ThisRebeLisReaL -im still tryna figure out how he so chill & intellectual, but still dumb funny.
@MOS3S -this nigga turns ANY & EVERY situation into a comedy. i always dye laughin.
@MadeMan_AJ -epitome of a DC ass nigga. jump out there, get leaned on.
@EthanHeart_ -he will go on anyone for the slightest thing, so stay on your "A" game!
@MissLaniSasha -havin a bad day? One of her inspirational tweets will give you a quick boost.
@TenthDollar -his simple one liners be havin me like "damn, i never looked at it like that."
@ElijahRead -PG bred country heartthrob... if you down wit MaryJane, his tweets are gonna hit home.
@PATisDOPE -so damn random. get an oldhead's perspective on life. and his blog is #poppington!
If you made my list, keep it up! If not, step it up a lil and I'll add you to it... maybe.
*Click the names to go to their Twitter pages!